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Extending SQL ExplorerExtending SQL Explorer is easy! With just a little Java knowledge and a little database knowledge, you can get a long way. SQL Explorer 3.0.0 was designed with extensibility in mind. Several eclipse extension points have been made available to make it
easy for you to create that feature you've always wanted.
For each of the available extension points, you can find a small tutorial on how to use them in the next sections. The SQL Explorer code has been divided in two parts. The first part is the SQL Explorer core.
This is the main SQL Explorer plugin which contains all non database specific features. You can find this in CVS as the sqlexplorer project. If you want to add features to an already existing database fragment (or why not the sql explorer core?),
the best way to get started is too check out the source code from CVS. On the other hand, if you want to create a database specific plugin for which SQL Explorer doesn't have any support yet, the best way to get started is to create a new fragment project. A small tutorial on how to start is available in the next section. |